Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
responsibly, treating them with respect and awareness,
working to minimize harms and maximize benefits, and
integrating use into a healthy, enjoyable, and productive life.
Wide Awake and Focused
Citation:   seeker. "Wide Awake and Focused: An Experience with Phenylethylamine (exp106595)". Mar 3, 2021.

270 - 600 mg oral Phenethylamine
Great Experiences

I have used Phenylethylamine HCl several times with mostly good effects. At a 0.27g to 0.3g oral dose acts very quickly makes me wide awake and focused for several hours, it leaves me in a generally good mood for the rest of the day, and makes me in the mood to get work done. At this dose (without subsequent doses) the side effects are mild depression, loneliness, and an increase in sex drive.

Subsequent 1g doses may be used up to every 2 hours to sustain the effect, but be aware that this stuff is 4X as addictive as caffeine and additional doses will make the withdrawal effects significantly harsher. For the same reason I do not take this multiple days in a row.

At a 0.5g oral dose this stuff makes me wide awake, and super focused and introspective with a sort of tunnel vision/one track mindedness for several hours it also makes me feel unusually happy, content, and very productive for most of the day. It also noticeably increases heart rate. Later into the evening the side effects are very strong feelings of loneliness as well as physical love sickness.

At a 0.6g oral dose the positive effects are not significantly different from a 0.5g dose, but the side effects are significantly worse. It creates an unimaginable sense of loneliness and strong love sickness. The only thing I wanted to do was curl up and weep. It was memorable enough that it took a few days to feel normal again.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 106595
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 23
Published: Mar 3, 2021Views: 2,326
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Phenethylamine (695) : Unknown Context (20), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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