Modern humans must learn how to relate to psychoactives
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Too Much
by anon
Citation:   anon. "Too Much: An Experience with JWH-122 (exp105328)". Aug 11, 2015.

1 g vaporized JWH-122 (powder / crystals)
I stupidly consumed the entire sample of 1g JWH-122. Onset about 45 minutes. High for 4 days (don't know hours exactly), normal feeling now. Needed a sitter the entire episode. I am one of those who are cursed with dysphoria with cannabis and other type highs. I noticed useful (chronic severe pain) analgesia the first 2 days. After that back to taking some morphine when needed. I had hoped for a miracle drug, but it really seems like cannabis.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 105328
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Aug 11, 2015Views: 3,187
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