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Subtle Tranquility
by Guy
Citation:   Guy. "Subtle Tranquility: An Experience with Mugwort (exp104620)". Sep 5, 2018.

2-3 tsp oral Mugwort (tea)
I've used mugwort a few times. I've placed it under my pillow, as this supposedly leads to lucid dreams. This has not really been effective for me. I've smoked it. While it's nice-tasting and smooth, the effects aren't very significant. I figured I would give it another try as a tea.

I boiled some water, filled the bottom of the cup with the herb, and steeped for 10 minutes. I then poured it into my french press and strained out the tea. The tea tastes pretty good. Very herbal tasting, with ginger notes. It came out very dark, almost brown. About 7 sips in, I could notice some light effects. I guess I could call it a 'head high,' but not strong enough to be intoxicated. I've been doing nothing really except reading some articles online and planning a poker game with friends.

As I finish the cup, I feel alert yet tranquil. My head feels a little lighter and sounds are a little crisp.

A regular tea for some relaxation, like chamomile or kava. May help with boredom also!

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 104620
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Sep 5, 2018Views: 2,409
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Mugwort (292) : Preparation / Recipes (30), Retrospective / Summary (11), Not Applicable (38)

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