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Just Very Comfortable
Hydrocodone (with Acetaminophen)
Citation:   The Truth. "Just Very Comfortable: An Experience with Hydrocodone (with Acetaminophen) (exp103874)". Sep 4, 2018.

10 mg insufflated Hydrocodone (ground / crushed)
  650 mg insufflated Acetaminophen (ground / crushed)
  30 mg oral Hydrocodone (ground / crushed)
  1950 mg oral Acetaminophen (ground / crushed)
[Erowid Note: Because opiate use can lead to significant tolerance (requiring higher doses for the same effects), the dose used by a first time user is significantly smaller than that used by a regular user. It can be extremely dangerous to choose ones dose on the basis of the amount taken by someone else. Overdoses of opiates can be fatal.]
Norco Comfort

I got eight 5/325 norcos. I'm a heavyset guy with a tolerance for opiates. I crushed them up and did an isopropanol extraction, just to get the filler out. When it was completely dry, I made 8 lines. Snorted the first two. After that I didn't feel like sending any more shit up my nose, so I mixed the rest in with some tea and drank it.

About 5 minutes later I felt it come on. I had some pain in my neck up until now, and this was gone. Just a relaxed, comfortable feeling. It's different than morphine, however, in my mind. Morphine is a warm, fuzzy, itchy trip to dopamine heaven. Oh, what I wouldn't do for a shot of emma right now! Best. Feeling. In. The. World. But because of that, also the most addictive thing in the world and withdrawals are HELL. Keep that in mind. Whenever I'm on that peach-colored disk of ambrosia, all I want is to cuddle and kiss and hug my best girl friend (or any attractive female for that matter). Go figure.

This is sort of like a small dose of morphine, but with less itching and less of a mental high. Just very comfortable.

Exp Year: 2014ExpID: 103874
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Sep 4, 2018Views: 1,688
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Hydrocodone (111) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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