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Canine Accidental Ingestion
Citation:   Shinibrite. "Canine Accidental Ingestion: An Experience with 25I-NBOMe (exp101078)". Mar 31, 2014.

25 mg oral 25I-NBOMe (blotter / tab)
[Erowid Note: Our crew was torn how to rate and approve this, since it involves non-human ingestion.]

We have a very clever but not very friendly wolf-dog who likes to eat paper and got into the 25i. I know, Im the worst dog mom ever. She ate at least 20 hits at 1.2mg ea We also found some doses wet on the floor from our 20lb dog. Let me say first, the dogs are fine. I'm an MD and we just watched it out with them.

The wolf had drooling and palpitations. She was also the friendliest she has ever been. Very demanding of pets and contact. The other dog got much less chemical, but was clearly confused. He went to bed with mom. As of today, the little dog is still a little spun but the wolf is back to herself.

So clearly what we think of as a lethal dose is in question. These animals were healthy and not on anything else.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101078
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 10
Published: Mar 31, 2014Views: 11,903
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25I-NBOMe (542) : General (1), Not Applicable (38)

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