This is a mandala of thirteen lunar sections. In one revolution of the earth around the sun, the moon revolves thirteen times around the earth. Because the female has always been associated with the moon, our patriarchal society has made thirteen "unlucky" or what have you to take the power away from the goddess. Pope Gregory changed the calendar into 12 linear months which has greatly affected mass consciousness as we have steered further and further away from living in natural, harmonious frequencies with the earth and beyond.
This is a mandala of thirteen lunar sections. In one revolution of the earth around the sun, the moon revolves thirteen times around the earth. Because the female has always been associated with the moon, our patriarchal society has made thirteen "unlucky" or what have you to take the power away from the goddess. Pope Gregory changed the calendar into 12 linear months which has greatly affected mass consciousness as we have steered further and further away from living in natural, harmonious frequencies with the earth and beyond.