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Peyote Bibliography



Peyote Wisdom - A Collection of writings on Peyote


One Nation Under God : The Triumph of the Native American Church, Huston Smith
Peyote and Other Psychoactive Cacti, Adam Gottlieb
Peyote and Other Entheogenic Cacti, Gottlieb, A., Ronin Publishing, 1997
The Peyote Book: A Study of Native Medicine, Guy Mount
Straight With the Medicine", W. d'Azevedo
Peyote Hunt: The Sacred Journey of the Huichol Indians, B. Myerhoff
People of the Peyote S. Schaefer and P. Furst
Peyote Religion: A History, Omer Stewart
Peyote the Divine Cactus,E.F. Anderson
The Peyote Cult, Weston La Barre Local File
Peyote, The Medicine Journal", newsletter of The Peyote Foundation
The Sacred Record, The Peyote Way Church of God newsletter
Flowers of Wiricuta: A Gringo's Journey to Shamanic Power, Pinkson, T.S.